Home>>Product center>>Insulation end series
Concave hot shrinkage waterproof terminals
Fork hot shrinkage waterproof terminals
HXT waterproof solder ring heat shrinkable tube in the middle
HXT -h high tensile waterproof solder ring heat shrinkable tube in the middle
BHTD high-strength waterproof thermal shrinkage between terminals
BHT waterproof thermal shrinkage in the terminal
Convex (nylon) insulated terminals
Needle (nylon) insulated terminals
Shape (nylon) insulated terminals
Round (nylon) insulated terminals
Fork (nylon) insulated terminals
DBVE piece form pre insulated end (easy)
FSVE flange fork pre insulated end (easy)
LBVE concave shape pre insulated end (yi jin)
LSVE lock fork pre insulated end (easy)
HVE hooked pre insulated end (easy)
Insulation end DBV slice shape
Insulation end MSRV double screw holes
Insulation end FSV flange fork